Saturday, May 18, 2024 2:07 PM PT
Rare Coins

What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small packet of information stored in a small file on your computer's hard drive.

Why does CCE use cookies?
The Certified Coin Exchange Web site has been built around providing the dealer with an enhanced trading environment using the latest technology.  Cookies allow us to provide you with a more personalized trading environment.

How do cookies help me?
If your browser accepts "cookies", we will be able to recognize you as a subscriber and provide you with more personalized services in the trading arena.

What if I don't accept cookies?
You still have access to all services on this site.  If you do not accept cookies, you will be required to Login to the CCE site on each return visit.  Note: A return visit is defined to be any time you exit your browser and begin a new invocation of your browser program or when a "session" between your browser and the CCE Web site times out.